
Meet Lauren //

Self-described art historian and pop culture nerd.

I am excited to share my interests and engage with others. I love looking at pop culture through a critical but still fun eye (like Buzzfeed).

I have a unique perspective of looking at pop culture. I’ve always been interested in the dynamic between high and low culture. My graduate studies have given me a foundation to look at pop culture and visual media in a critical, analytical way, but I like to have fun and be creative in my analyses too. I think I help people who are curious and want to learn more art, fashion, and pop culture.

I love being creative, and I’m very curious. I like to write about fashion, art, and pop culture in ways that make it fun and accessible for people without dumbing it down. Basically, I think you can enjoy the latter without being labeled frivolous or out of touch, and you don’t need to be in a museum in a tweed jacket and turtleneck to have knowledge about them either. I’m trying to strike a middle ground between the two.

I love to help people tell better stories/express their ideas, whether it’s fiction, non-fiction, marketing, etc. I consider myself a “behind-the-scenes” person: I enjoy doing the groundwork on projects like researching, editing, writing, etc. I feel that my best assets professionally are in this type of support role for individuals and companies.

Make it stand out.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.